Grade 1 Safety, Emotions, and Hygiene

Health and Physical Education is a requirement for all students who attend a public school. Ridgewood Public Schools Wellness Program strives to provide students with a health education program that enhances their ability to make informed decisions and to exhibit behaviors that nurture their physical, social, and emotional well-being.

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 35-4.7, any student whose parent or guardian presents to the school a signed statement that any part of the instruction in health, family life education or sex education is in conflict with his/her conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the health curriculum. The health teacher will be glad to speak with you to discuss the curriculum.

2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards - Comprehensive Health and Physical Education

The first grade Safety, Emotions, and Hygiene health unit is comprised of these indicators: 

  • 2.1.2.SSH.5: Identify basic social needs of all people.

  •  2.1.2.SSH.6: Determine the factors that contribute to healthy relationships. 2.1.2.SSH.7: Explain healthy ways for friends to express feelings for and to one another.

  •  2.1.2.SSH.8: Demonstrate healthy ways to respond to disagreements or conflicts with others (e.g., leave, talk to trusted adults, tell a sibling or peer).

  •  2.1.2.SSH.9: Define bullying and teasing and explain why they are wrong and harmful.


  • 2.3.2.PS.5: Define bodily autonomy and personal boundaries.

  • 2.3.2.PS.6: Demonstrate how to communicate personal boundaries and show respect for someone else’s personal boundaries including friends and family. 

  •  2.3.2.PS.7: Identify behaviors that would be considered child abuse (e.g., emotional, physical, sexual). 

  • 2.3.2.PS.8: Identify trusted adults, including family members, caregivers, and school staff, that you can talk to about situations which may be uncomfortable or dangerous (e.g., bullying, teasing, child sexual abuse).


  • 2.1.2.PGD.1: Explain how activity helps all human bodies stay healthy.

  • 2.1.2.PGD.2: Develop an awareness of health habits (e.g., wash hands, cough in arm, brush teeth).

  • 2.1.2.PGD.3: Explain what being "well" means and identify self-care practices that support wellness

  • 2.1.2.PGD.5: List medically accurate names for body parts, including the genitals.


  • 2.1.2.CHSS.5: Identify situations that might result in individuals feeling sad, angry, frustrated, or scared.

  •  2.1.2.CHSS.6: Identify individuals who can assist with expressing one’s feelings (e.g., family members, teachers, counselors, medical professionals). 


  •  2.1.2.EH.1: Explain the meaning of character and how it is reflected in the thoughts, feelings and actions of oneself and others.

  •  2.1.2.EH.2: Identify what it means to be responsible and list personal responsibilities. 

  •  2.1.2.EH.3: Demonstrate self-control in a variety of settings (e.g., classrooms, playgrounds, special programs).

  •  2.1.2.EH.4: Demonstrate strategies for managing one's own emotions, thoughts and behaviors.

  •  2.1.2.EH.5: Explain healthy ways of coping with stressful situations.


  • 2.3.2.HCDM.2: Demonstrate personal hygiene and the use of necessary and appropriate health-enhancing behaviors that can keep a person healthy (e.g., precautions to avoid illnesses, handle food hygienically, brush teeth, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, appropriate dress for various weather conditions).